Running to Fitness


January 11, 2014:   Couldn’t have even made it this far without the support of many folks:

Brenda: Our original Fitness Coordinator, who got caught in the fall-out when the building where I work was sold, and the Fitness Center was not a priority.  Her xtreme fitness levels are an inspiration to all who know her, and her encouragement of all levels is exemplary.  At that time I was only doing Pilates 2 days a week… Brenda was so welcoming and when she left somehow I was friendly enough with her to become FB friends and keep up with her.

Karen: Fitness Center Manager: When she started, we were doing our own Pilates routines because all group programs had stopped. She single handedly re-built the fitness center and I was then able to add Zumba, Aerobics and Yoga to the Pilates I was doing.  As welcoming as anyone, she encouraged all in whatever they were doing and always made you feel like you were doing such a fantastic job.  She touched so many people that when she lost her voice, we (Olga, Matt and I) started a cross-site “Save Karen’s Voice” campaign to raise money to buy her a headset.

Carol, Tara, 1st Zumba teacher ??, Sherry, Lynn:   My group instructors along the way for Pilates, Zumba and Yoga.   I feel / felt challenged, encouraged and comfortable in their classes.

Anita: Fitness Wellness Specialist and Trainer.  Ran the  C25K program. She followed the program; set the pace; did not let us compromise when 5 minutes.. or 8.. or 10 seemed completely impossible. She found us a race and gave up her Saturday to run it with us. After the program was over, she started the running club, and has shown me that outside running (when properly attired at least at 20 degrees or more so far) is sooooo much more preferable than the treadmill.

Leah: Health Promotion Specialist and Trainer.  My favorite workout… with personality, enthusiasm and ideas off the charts. She just spouts off her knowledge so effortlessly, and for some reason (although I’ve probably heard it before) I’m listening. She encouraged me with running.. Looked at my shins when they were bothering me, recommended being properly fitted for running shoes and spoke to me individually on more than one occasion about nutrition and thyroid.

Jean and Angela: Some fitness center buddies who somehow convinced me to do the C25K program in the first place!  Had seen the C25K on the schedule and immediately dismissed it thinking I’m not a runner…. I’m too old for that!   But they were persistent and since they were both beginners, I knew I wouldn’t be alone… so somehow, some way I got convinced.   Had that not happened, I can’t help think where would I be right now.

Olga, Tony, Matt, Michelle: My co-workers who I chose to include in my journey.  Olga, my workout buddy. We really intensified going to the gym about a year ago.  We encourage each other, when one of us just doesn’t feel like it.   We compare aches and pains and commiserate together and then go again.   Tony, who has been a complete advocate with the running.  He came out once with the running club, but he talked and laughed too much — and at that point (going up a hill) all I  could concentrate on was breathing — and I had to tell him that I wasn’t going to talk to him while I was going up this hill.   He encouraged me (relentlessly) to do Stu’s 30K.  We’ll see how that works out.   Matt, a black belt (in something) who on again, off again does Martial Arts classes with us.  He knows a great deal about fitness in general; and like so many others, is there to encourage only when appropriate.   Michelle: Who clocked on her GPS just how long the front track was… just at the perfect time when we needed to know the distance. She listened to my running stories and shared her own.  She has since joined the Running Club and most recently it’s been me, Michelle and Anita.

Harriett: Who followed my Facebook Journey and was always giving tips of encouragement.   Harriet started running at 46; and now (?? a few ?? years later) is doing half-marathons.   Her 19 year old daughter just completed her first 10K.

Brian: My hubby, who encouraged me to go running in the snow!!!  I probably would not have gone on that day, which could have led to other excuses or moderation. Now I have the attitude, you don’t know until you give it a try. Also for listening to each day that I ran in the C25K program the excruciating details of how I went from the HUGE challenge of running for 60 seconds to the now comfortable run of 2 miles.

My Kids: who also just listened, probably at first thinking their old Mom was crazy… to respecting and helping me progress: Katie helping me find new workout clothes… they really don’t make flattering ones for people who have any extra weight at all. Brandon for answering my questions about general fitness, weight lifting, running etc. Nick for listening and wanting to come running.

Everyone who noticed: When people notice, it makes such a difference… It’s fuel to go on, a catalyst to continue and confirmation that all the hard work is paying off.